Syo Bakarn (9)Full unit name: Bakarn, Syo
Last updated: 23.06.2024 17:53:27
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Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Known Facts (24)
The Path of a Jedi (5) »
  • Held a rank of Jedi Master in Jedi Order
  • Was a member of Jedi Council
  • Used H5 Jedi Lightsaber
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Master Syo Bakarn
    Ah, Padawan. I heard your shuttle arriving. I'm Master Syo Bakarn, of the Jedi Council. Welcome to Tython. This is the ancestral home of our order, where the Jedi first came to be. And where our most promising Padawans complete their training.
    The chance to see where the first Jedi walked, train where they trained - it's quite an honor.
    Master Syo Bakarn
    So eager. You and your new Master should get along nicely.
    Your instructors tell me that even in childhood, you had a remarkable connection to the Force, your understanding of Jedi lore and philosophy is unmatched. We haven't seen such power in decades, such a powerful mind could make you a great Jedi.
    They also speak of your visions, that you walked the galaxy to find our order. We are honored to have you.
    I was... hoping your new Master would be here. Yuon left her dig site and is returning to Tython specifically to train you.
    Is Master Yuon an archaeologist?
    Master Syo Bakarn
    In a way. As you become her Padawan, never forget your initial training, nor the Jedi Code:
    "There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge."
    "There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony.
    There is no death, there is the Force." This is....

  • Barsen'thor
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Master Syo Bakarn
    Yuon. I was beginning to worry.
    Master Yuon Par
    So you've arrived safely, my Padawan. I'm sorry I can't greet you properly, but we already have a crisis on our hands.
    I'm at your service, Master.
    Master Yuon Par
    Tython is a treasure trove of ancient Jedi relics. Recently, our researchers uncovered several "teaching holograms," but they've not been fully studied.
    These holograms may be records of the founders of the Jedi Order--they're absolutely irreplaceable. But, a large group of Flesh Raiders has begun rampaging through that region. Those priceless holograms are in danger.
    I've never heard of Flesh Raiders before.
    Master Syo Bakarn
    The Flesh Raiders are Tython's natives. Savage cannibals who destroy everything in their path.
    Master Yuon Par
    Including the holograms' projectors. Combat teams are pushing the Flesh Raiders back, but retrieving the holograms is the first task of your training.
    Master Syo Bakarn
    No. Yuon, you can't risk a Padawan against Flesh Raiders, even for such important artifacts.
    Master Yuon Par
    A Padawan who's studied every combat treatise of the last two centuries, who wandered alone for years - before learning Jedi techniques. And who was stronger in the Force at four years old, than I was at fifteen?
    Gifted students need greater challenges.
    So I must recover these holograms, and watch for Flesh Raiders. Where should I begin?
    Master Yuon Par
    The holograms are in the Gnarls. Be vigilant; that region has dangers of its own. If you encounter any difficulties, contact me on this holocommunicator.
    When you have the holograms, meet me at the Jedi Temple. We have much to discuss.
  • Barsen'thor, Yuon Par
Trials in Kaleth (4) »
  • Held a rank of Jedi Master in Jedi Order
  • Was a member of Jedi Council
  • Used H5 Jedi Lightsaber
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Master Syo Bakarn
    Hello again, Padawan. I'm glad to see you well. Master Syo Bakarn. I was there to greet you when you first arrived.
    Being greeted by a member of the Council is hard to forget, Master Syo.
    Master Jaric Kaedan
    Interesting. Protocol was never a big focus of Yuon's curriculum.
    Do you need me for something, Master Syo?
    Master Syo Bakarn
    This is Master Jaric Kaedan, another of the Jedi Council. Yuon told us about Nalen Raloch, the Pilgrim seeking Rajivari's secrets. She also claimed the Force is "guiding" your training. This isn't unknown, but....
    So the Force influencing a Padawan's training is quite rare.
    Master Jaric Kaedan
    Yuon seems convinced. But trusting blindly in the Force isn't the Jedi way. Good judgment and discipline must temper that trust. She thinks encountering Nalen, and finding a few relics, proves you're meant to find this Fount of Rajivari. It's baseless.
    First she welcomes that Trandoshan into the temple, now this? She's getting more unorthodox by the day.
    Master Syo Bakarn
    What do you make of Yuon's claim, Padawan?
    I trust in Master Yuon's wisdom. She is my teacher. It isn't my place to question her.
    Master Jaric Kaedan
    Indeed not. That's the Council's responsibility.
    Master Syo Bakarn
    The Council has agreed to accept Yuon's opinion. For now. But I am concerned about the dangers this path is leading you through. Finding the Fount of Rajivari before Nalen Raloch does is important. But so is your safety, Padawan. Be mindful. Go carefully, Padawan. Yuon is placing a lot of faith in you.
  • Barsen'thor, Jaric Kaedan
The Threat of the Dark Plague (5) »
  • Held a rank of Jedi Master in Jedi Order
  • Was a member of Jedi Council
  • Used H5 Jedi Lightsaber
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Syo Bakarn
    Good to hear from you. The Council has sensed your arrival on Taris. An intriguing world.
    I've only heard rumors, about some sort of terrible disaster. This planet wasn't part of my studies at the temple.
    Syo Bakarn
    Centuries ago, Taris was like Coruscant - a vibrant city-world. Then a powerful Sith Lord destroyed the cities of Taris in a single day. They became dark, polluted swamplands. But the Republic has been restoring them, with the help of Master Cin Tykan. Master Tykan is an expert in this wilderness. We had received regular reports from him, but... he has fallen silent.
    You think Master Tykan suffers from the same illness as Master Yuon Par. Just how long has he been out of contact?
    Syo Bakarn
    Several weeks. We fear this plague has touched him, too. Master Tykan was working closely with his Padawan, Aris Vauranelle, and also a captain in the Republic Expeditionary Forces, Captain Nelex. Aris and Captain Nelex are at the Republic base. They should be able to help find Master Tykan.
    We will see what can be done for Master Tykan.
    Syo Bakarn
    If Master Tykan is ill, shield him if possible, and try to learn more about this plaguemaster. We will be waiting on your word. Good luck.
  • Barsen'thor (from The Expedition)
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Syo Bakarn
    Master Tykan has already contacted me. A team is on its way to bring him before the Republic courts.
    Master Tykan deserves an advocate. None of this was his fault. I can't imagine a punishment worse than what Master Tykan's endured already.
    Syo Bakarn
    Neither can I. Still, the Republic must seek justice for the deaths on Taris, but unfortunately we cannot let word of the plague become public. Master Tykan asked me to pass on his gratitude. We all appreciate the sacrifice your shielding technique requires. You've endured much on Taris, but I have an urgent matter that requires your attention.
    Master Tykan was being compelled by someone he called "Lord Vivicar."
    Syo Bakarn
    Lord Vivicar. I don't recognize the name. We must begin researching this at once. Unfortunately our master on Nar Shaddaa is still missing. If "Lord Vivicar" is responsible, you may be our only hope.
  • Barsen'thor (from Super Reactor)
The Forge (5) »
  • Held a rank of Jedi Master in Jedi Order
  • Used H5 Jedi Lightsaber
  • Was a member of Jedi Council
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Master Syo Bakarn
    We've been waiting for you, Padawan. You've already met Master Jaric; this is Master Satele Shan.
    Grand Master Satele Shan
    I've been treating Nalen Raloch. The Pilgrims who carried him here told us of your battle. Remarkable.
    I would have brought a peaceful solution if I could. How bad are his injuries, Master Satele? I wasn't sure he would survive.
    Grand Master Satele Shan
    Peace is the ideal, Padawan, but there's no shame in defending yourself. He will survive, though it will be a long recovery.
    You've begun well, Padawan. How you proceed remains to be seen.
    Master Kaedan
    It seems we have much to learn about the villagers. Perhaps we should rethink our position....
    Master Yuon Par
    Enough, enough. Padawan- the Fount of Rajivari. You actually set foot there? Please, tell me everything!
    Master Rajivari himself spoke to me. What was left of him.
    Master Yuon Par
    You saw a Force apparition? Of Rajivari? This is extraordinary!
    Master Kaedan
    It seems you may have been right, Yuon. I... apologize. To you, and your Padawan.
    Grand Master Satele Shan
    No longer a Padawan. The Padawan carries a lightsaber and have proven themselves. I have only one last question before the training's complete.
    At the moment, Nalen Raloch is resting in a kolto tank. When he's well, what should become of him?
    Nalen proved he has great strength in the Force. Maybe he has a future with us.
    Grand Master Satele Shan
    And bring reconciliation between us and the villagers - a sound idea.
    Master Syo Bakarn
    We judge you ready to accept your place as a Jedi. Yuon, if you would?
    Master Yuon Par
    Before this Council, I take from you the title of Padawan. I name you a full Jedi of our order. Honor the past. Work... for the future. May the Force be always with you. You've... done so well, my student. I'm....
    Master Yuon?
    Master Syo Bakarn
    Come away. Yuon? Can you hear me?
  • Satele Shan, Jaric Kaedan, Yuon Par, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Master Syo Bakarn
    Yuon is resting comfortably, for now. It seems she's suffering some kind of illness. I can't lie to you. Her condition is grave.
    We have some of the finest healers in the galaxy, can't we treat her?
    Qyzen Fess
    Yuon tried to heal, Herald. Was no sickness she knew. She did best to hide sickness.
    Master Syo Bakarn
    You knew Yuon was ill? And didn't inform us?
    Qyzen Fess
    Is not for me to tell secrets. Was her wish to train one last hunter. I understood.
    Now I see why she was so devoted to my training.
    Master Syo Bakarn
    We're sending Yuon to Coruscant. Our researchers there have been recovering artifacts from the first Jedi Temple; they may have something to cure Yuon.
    Take a shuttle, and join Yuon on Coruscant. She will need your help.
    Yes, Master.
    Qyzen Fess
    Where Herald goes, I go also. Is Scorekeeper's wish.
    Master Syo Bakarn
    Meantime, assure Yuon we will be studying your discoveries about Rajivari. Some of the claims his apprentices recorded... bear investigation.
    When you reach Coruscant, go to our embassy in the Senate tower, and find a researcher called Attros Finn. He'll be expecting you.
    Good luck. To you both. And may the Force be with you.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
Ancient Secrets (5) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Syo Bakarn
    Finally - there you are. I've been kept apprised of your situation - the Council is very concerned about Yuon's health. We've been trying to contact you for hours. Did you find anything in the Jedi Temple?
    The only real cure is to stop the person who's behind the illness, but I can shield her temporarily.
    Syo Bakarn
    Then do what you can for now. Our first priority is Yuon's life. Hurry back - Yuon is fading fast. Any delay could be costly.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
  • Held a rank of Jedi Master in Jedi Order
  • Was a member of Jedi Council
  • Used H5 Jedi Lightsaber
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Satele Shan
    Ah, you're here. Thank you for contacting us so quickly. We're sorry to have to pull you away from Yuon.
    Jaric Kaedan
    We wouldn't have called you here if it wasn't urgent. First, tell us what you've learned about Yuon's illness.
    It's a plague created by a Sith named Terrak Morrhage. I've shielded Yuon from its effects, but the only cure is to stop the person who's controlling it. Here's what we know....
    Jaric Kaedan
    Interesting. And... worrying. We've started to receive disturbing communications from other Masters. We fear Yuon's illness is not an isolated case.
    Are you sure it's the same illness?
    Jaric Kaedan
    We admit the connection seemed tenuous - but the Masters each repeat the same phrase: "the darkness is coming."
    The illness was created by Terrak Morrhage, but a different Sith is using it now. I don't know his name, but I fought his apprentice in the temple.
    Syo Bakarn
    Yes. It's imperative that we find this Sith before the illness spreads further.
    Qyzen Fess
    Hunting one who struck Yuon down. Is noble goal, Herald.
    Syo Bakarn
    Unfortunately, we have no leads. We can only hope that tracking down and shielding the victims will help lead us to this Sith.
    Yuon seemed to remember someone controlling her mind--but she couldn't give any details.
    Satele Shan
    The small number of victims suggests that this Sith needs some sort of contact with his victims to control them. We hesitate to ask any more sacrifice of you - you've already done so much. But with the terminal in the temple destroyed, you are the only one capable of shielding the afflicted Masters and stopping this Sith, whoever he is.
    I will do whatever I can.
    Satele Shan
    We all have faith in you. But if the Sith who's controlling these Masters is drawing strength from them as well as turning them....
    Syo Bakarn
    Then it is imperative that the Masters are freed from his control as quickly as possible.
    Jaric Kaedan
    You'll need to be able to move freely around the galaxy. To that end, we've prepared a ship for you in the spaceport.
    Thank you, Masters. I will use it well. Where am I going?
    Jaric Kaedan
    The missing Masters were last heard from on Taris and Nar Shaddaa. Find them, and break the plaguemaster's hold on them.
    Satele Shan
    Say your goodbyes to Yuon. But time is of the essence. Good luck.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Satele Shan, Jaric Kaedan


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Jedi Council
Jedi Order
Jedi Master
Known weaponry & equipment
H5 Jedi Lightsaber
All characters this character met
Show all (6)DetailsThe Path of a JediTrials in KalethThe ForgeAncient SecretsThe ExpeditionSuper Reactor
Satele Shan
Show all (2)DetailsThe ForgeAncient Secrets
Qyzen Fess
Show all (2)DetailsThe ForgeAncient Secrets
Yuon Par
Show all (2)DetailsThe Path of a JediThe Forge
Jaric Kaedan
Show all (3)DetailsTrials in KalethThe ForgeAncient Secrets
Complete list

Full unit name: Bakarn, Syo Last updated: 23.06.2024 17:53:27